Eaton Automotive is a Napa Auto Care Center servicing the Cottonwood area with repairs for import & domestic vehicles, cars & trucks, gas, diesel or hybrid vehicles. We are a shop that takes pride in our work. We strive to be the best and deliver nothing but quality service. We use only the best parts and fluids available. We have a nationwide 2 years 24k mile warranty with roadside towing to give our customers peace of mind with all our repairs and services. We have a friendly staff willing to advise and educate our customers to make them feel like they made the right choice in choosing us to service their vehicle. Our prices are fair and competitive. We always go the extra mile, doing the little things, to make sure that the vehicle is fixed right and all customer concerns are addressed. Our guarantee includes a quality control inspection and test drive after all repairs are done, before returning a vehicle back to the customer.

In 1989 at the young age of 14, my family relocated us from sunny southern California to hot and sunny Phoenix Arizona. It was here I decided to make a career out of repairing and servicing vehicles. I had found a job at an old repair shop in Tolleson Arizona. I rode my bike 8 miles each day to get to work and back. Back then Tolleson was just a little farm town. I recall one year the white flies from the surrounding cotton fields were so bad, I had to wear goggles to keep the flies from getting in my eyes. I started out in the shop sweeping floors and cleaning. Then the mechanics started showing me more and more stuff on cars and involved me when working on them. Next thing I knew I was visiting Sears every week with my paycheck to purchase tools. After about 6 months of working in this field, I decided I needed more knowledge. After researching schools, I applied to Arizona Automotive Institute (AAI). I received my Occupational Associates Degree in automotive and autotronics technology while working 6 days a week at a shop full time during the day and attending school at night for almost 2 years. The 6-month autotronics course dedicated to electrical and diagnostics I took really grasped my interest in vehicle repair. I learned about electronics, building mockup circuits on bread boards with transistors, resistors and capacitors ect. I was thinking, wow its not just grease, nuts and bolts!

(Donovan in 1994 in class at AAI. He’s the one in the red shirt)
The first 4 years I spent at one location with a man I consider my mentor. He showed me a lot of tricks to the trade, and I learned from him to never be afraid to diagnose or fix any vehicle. He taught me to have courage in your conviction. I worked for a family-owned chain shop for almost 10 years. From that shop I moved on to work for many small independent shops. I have been a lead technician, diagnostics technician and I also worked for a couple years at a transmission and engine builder shop as their technical guy. There I handled quality control, diagnosed the cause of failure, handled all the electrical and computer side of the drivetrain.
In 2008 I decided to open Eaton Automotive LLC. As a side business. It eventually became a full-time job. I was working at a used car lot in downtown Phoenix for about 3 years. There I learned a lot about European vehicle, most of the car inventory was BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagens, Audis, Volvos, Saabs Etc.. This hands-on experience really rounded out my skills of tackling any make or model vehicle. Working for this dealership I have also restored some classic vehicles that were sold at Barrett Jackson Classic Car Auction that is held every year in Scottsdale Arizona. Toward the end of my employment contract, I was given the opportunity to take over an existing shop and its clientele. The opportunity to go full time with Eaton Automotive LLC had me nervous and extremely excited all in one.
Eaton Automotive opened its doors June of 2013. It was then in May 2018 That I had to close my doors. In 2016 the automotive industry slowed down so much due to the increase of new vehicles being purchased rather than fixing their older vehicles. The location of my shop was not an ideal location for an automotive business either, so sadly I closed my business. I went back to work for the used car lot in downtown Phoenix. Then in July of 2022 I was given the opportunity to re-open Eaton Automotive. Phoenix was not the area I wanted to open my business. I was told about the location here in Cottonwood and I came up to look at the shop. It was then I knew where I needed to be. So, without any hesitation I packed up my tools and opened up my shop in Cottonwood. I love the community and I love being a part of it. I became a member of the Chamber of Commerce, I entered the scarecrow contest for the fall festival and I even rode in the Christmas parade. I am looking forward to being a part of more here in Cottonwood. I love being able to give my customers the best automotive care and to make sure their cars are safe and reliable.
So… after 30 + years in the automotive industry, I can proudly hold my head high every day knowing it is my name on the building and my pride under the hood of each and every one of my customers vehicles.